Are you ready for LIFTOFF?

If you think closely. If you really dig deep down, you know that something is missing. And that something is FACEOFF X LIFTOFF series. 

It’s that one gymnastics event/competition/road trip you can’t live without. 

Don’t believe us? Fair enough – here is a recap of some craziness content it contains. And for the record. It’s definitely a PG-13 rated series. 

Airplanes, beers, dead animals, gasoline,  bison ox, triple rotations, the police, guns, hot babes, hearing, ladies and not to forget, topless gentlemen. 

It may sound like a project gone wrong. But we beg to differ.

Two teams competing over the course of three days having to solve as many challenges from THE BOOK(a book containing 100 challenges in a variety of difficulty) trying to scrape as many points together as possible. 

If that’s not a show – we don’t know what is. 

Bon appétit 

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May 15, 2024

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