School Fight has found a winner🔥

9 Schools, 9 teams and a great amount of creativity and community spirit is waiting to be unleashed this May 2022, when we welcome our Partner Schools to the 3rd edition of FACEOFF School Fight.

In FACEOFF we wish to collaborate and develop the gymnastic community together with local and national partners who also wish to care for this loving sport that has formed us and still is. This year we’ve invited all our 9 Partner Schools, counting approximately 200 students in the age group 15-17, to join forces in a friendly, creative and explorational Batlle. We will play with new and known FACEOFF disciplines and solve homemade challenges. What a day!? As always we are here to offer a room for these young-guns to allow failure combined with smiles and of course to cheer for each other’s personal success.
In FACEOFF we are looking so much forward to join forces this whole day and celebrate gymnastics and all it has to it.  FYI. this event takes place at Ollerup Gymnastikhøjskole – great place to unite. 

As an extension of this event we will share some of the memorable moments of the day at our Instatgram @faceoffevents and on this website. stay tuned. 

We love our new friends:

– Skibelund Gymnastik og Idrætefterskole
– Flemming Efterskole
– Brejninggaard Efterskole 
– Vedersø Idrætsefterskole
– Vejstrup Efterskole
– Agerskov Ungdomsskole
– Vesterlund Efterskole
– Bøvling Idrætsefterskole
– Bernstoffminde Efterskole
– BGI akademiet
– Gymnastikefterskolen Stevns
– Sorø Gymnastikefterskole
– Elbæk Efterskole
– Balle Efterskole

  • Written by FACEOFF

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May 15, 2024

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