
Tumbling xXx & The High Roller // THE RULE BOOK


Tumbling xXx

Tumbling xXx will take place on a 20m+5m pro track, and consist of 3 rounds. Each athlete will perform 3 times, and only the best two tricks will count. These two tricks must each contain different combinations. 

The athlete will perform in the order of their participant numbers, starting from the lowest number.

Judging and scoring

Each judge will award a score between 0 and 10 for each trick performed. The score for each individual trick is calculated as the average of the 5 scores. The average score of each trick is summarized into a collective score for the gymnast, on the scoreboard.

The collective score after the 3 rounds, forms the basis of awarding the discipline points. These points will be distributed as follows:

1st place = 8 points
2nd place = 7 points
3rd place = 6 points
4th place = 5 points

There will be no eliminations in this round ✌️

The High Roller

The High Roller is a trampet discipline where both difficulty and height in particular impact the total score. Each athlete will perform 3 times, and only the best two tricks will count. These two tricks must each contain different combinations. 

There will be an altimeter installed at the landing area which measures the exact height of each trick. The height is measured in meters, and are added to the judges’ scores, counting towards the total score. The starting lineup is determined by the current ranking, starting with the lowest ranking athlete.  

Judging and scoring

Each judge gives a score from 0 to 10 for each trick performed. The total score of an individual trick is calculated as the average of the 5 judges scores, as well as the height of the trick, measured in meters.

Example: An athlete receives a collective score of 8,4. The height of the trick was measured as 4m. The total score is thus 8,4 + 4 = 12,4 points.

The collective score of an athlete’s 2 best rounds form the basis of awarding the discipline points. These points will be distributed as follows:

1st place = 8 points
2nd place = 7 points
3rd place = 6 points
4th place = 5 points

Elimination of gymnasts – 6 remaining.

Stay tuned for more insights ✌️

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